
I have a year-on-year line chart as shown below. Y-axis is a category axis (month number), not scalar - otherwise I cannot build year-on-year chart. I need a strip line run through specific month. As far as I understand, strip lines are only possible for scalar (number/date) axis. Line chart Questions: - Is it possible to add strip line to existing chart? - If not, how to build year-on-year chart with scalar horizontal axis?

Did you try it? What problem did you have?Nick.McDermaid
tried bunch of things, even explicitly specified month number as strip width - nothing happenedMchief
Does this guide help: stackoverflow.com/questions/4967641/…. I know that you have to set up all the properties exactly or it won't appear.Nick.McDermaid
Thanks for the link. Played around, no progress. Still suppose this is because axis is not scalarMchief

1 Answers


Find the solution - not obvious, though. Strip line itself still does not appear, but I used it's background colour instead. enter image description here