I have a year-on-year line chart as shown below.
Y-axis is a category axis (month number), not scalar - otherwise I cannot build year-on-year chart. I need a strip line run through specific month. As far as I understand, strip lines are only possible for scalar (number/date) axis.
- Is it possible to add strip line to existing chart?
- If not, how to build year-on-year chart with scalar horizontal axis?
Did you try it? What problem did you have?
– Nick.McDermaid
tried bunch of things, even explicitly specified month number as strip width - nothing happened
– Mchief
Does this guide help: stackoverflow.com/questions/4967641/…. I know that you have to set up all the properties exactly or it won't appear.
– Nick.McDermaid
Thanks for the link. Played around, no progress. Still suppose this is because axis is not scalar
– Mchief