I have a table that has some columns that are the result of a [power] query which has the key fields, some columns that are intended for manual data entry and some that are formula columns.
My problem is that when I refresh the query columns the manual input data associated with specific query rows don't remain on the same row.
To overcome this I use a query that first extracts the manual input data in the existing table together with the key fields, perform the new query and then do a table join at the end of the query to get the input data back in the correct record. (any input on alternative solutions welcome...)
For tables with no formula columns I could identify the manual input fields automatically using:
List.Difference(Table.ColumnNames(Current_Source_Table), Table.ColumnNames(Pre-Join_Query_Result)).
However, this would also pick up the calculated columns with excel formulas in. How to a distinguish these formula columns to exclude them? Preferably without having a naming convention that allows identification.
Many thanks,