I have an MVVM style application set up in Xamarin forms where I display my login page via a ViewModel first approach which itself is hosted within a NavigationPage.
I inject an INavigationService instance which establishes the correct Navigation property like this:
var navigationController = Application.Current.MainPage as NavigationPage;
if (navigationController != null)
return navigationController.Navigation;
Which when then gives me access to the PushAsync method like so:
public async Task PushAsync(INavigationPageModel page)
var view = _viewFactory.CreatePage(page);
await Navigation.PushAsync(view);
Now, if I use this method in a Command (for example) I find my view is correctly pushed onto the navigation stack and is viewable. However I'm using Rx to watch for a 'connected' status on my application via a BehaviourSubject which seems to be causing me some trouble.
I don't receive any errors, but what I find is the view itself appears to be pushed onto the stack but is not visible to me (I can see it on the stack in the debugger). I can only assume that this relates to the UI thread somehow, but I'm not sure.
My RX subscription has gone through a few iterations as it appears that I need to support the call for an async method. Currently it looks like this:
.Where(s => s == ConnectionState.Connected)
.SelectMany(l => Observable.FromAsync(ChangePageAsync))
My change page method looks like this:
private Task ChangePageAsync()
var viewModel = _viewModelFactory.CreateModel<DashboardPageViewModel>();
return Navigation.PushAsync(viewModel);
For completeness I capture the UI scheduler in the AppDelegate for the iOS application like this:
new SynchronizationContextScheduler(SynchronizationContext.Current);
As I say, I get no errors, but it just doesn't display me a new page via the Rx async action. Any ideas? Its driving me crazy.