I am trying to have the user select multiple options from an ActiveX ListBox (ListBoxTest1) and then have their selections stored in separate rows on another sheet. I keep getting the error "Unable to get the ListBoxes property of the Worksheet class" when the first line shown here is about to be executed.
Set listX = Sheets("Availability Criteria").ListBoxes("ListBoxTest1")
With listX
For i = 1 To .ListCount
If .Selected(i) Then
Sheets("WorkingSheet").Cells(i + 4, "F").Value = .Items(i)
End If
Next i
End With
I thought the .Items property was what I needed to take the input from the ListBox, but perhaps that's the illegal property in question. All of my code is in the modules section, not a private sub.
I'm still very new to Excel's VBA....please help.