I decided to implement my own small framework to implement such stuff like dependency injection etc.
Now I'm stucking at my middleware implementation. I can add middleware to a route but I im wondering how slim loops through the attached middleware.
I'd like to do it the slim way, so in every middleware I can return a request or a response or the next middleware. But how do I have too iterate over my attached middleware.
Here is my stack I want to proceed
class MiddlewareStack
private $stack;
public function addMiddleware(Middleware $middleware)
$this->stack[] = $middleware;
public function processMiddleware(Request $request, Response $response)
and thats the middleware interface
public function __invoke(Request $request, Response $response, $next);
I want to
return $next($request,$response);
in my middleware classes or just a response or a request.
Here's how to create middlware callable in slim.