
I am using Go gin for REST API. In ruby on rails application i can debug using debugger or pry. How can i do same in gin framework?

Edited: consider the following request.

curl -X GET  localhost:5005/test_controller/test_action --data '{ "sw_lat" : 83.4444, "sw_lon" : -171.232323, "ne_lat" : 82.2323232, "ne_lon" : -161.3434343}'  -H "Content-Type:application/json"

Ruby on Rails:

To inspect the above request in server i can put debugger like the following.

def test_action

after starting server using rails s and hit the request, the server will pause in debugger line. And it will allow me to inspect something.


dlv debug does not start the server. So I can not hit and inspect the above request. Help me to set breakpoint and to debug while the server is running.

Hi @Gurunath, did you find the solution for this? I'm stuck here alsoHoang Trinh

1 Answers


You can use Delve debugger either through the command line or with the editor integrations.

Gin also has logger and recovery middleware which should be enough to diagnose basic routing issues etc.