If I do the following search through Twitter -
search term: "from:jack just setting up my twttr"
URL: https://twitter.com/search?q=from%3Ajack%20just%20setting%20up%20my%20twttr&src=typd
I am able to view the first Tweet ever on Twitter. I am wondering if this is possible programmatically using something like Linq2Twitter or Tweetinvi?
I have tried using Linq2Twitter
like so -
TwitterContext twitterCtx = new TwitterContext(auth);
const int MaxSearchEntriesToReturn = 100;
string searchTerm = "from:jack just setting up my twttr";
List<Status> searchResponse =
(from search in twitterCtx.Search
where search.Type == SearchType.Search &&
search.Query == searchTerm &&
search.Count == MaxSearchEntriesToReturn &&
search.SinceID == 1
select search.Statuses)
However this is bringing back a count of zero Tweets in searchResponse
, is this even possible? My guess would be that as this Tweet is ten years old the api restrictions simply do not allow you to go back this far without a third party fire-hose like Gnip?