
I am running an application at IBM Bluemix DevOps and while deploying I am getting this error:


App staging failed in the buildpack compile phase.

On checking logs I found this: Logs

How do I get rid of this problem?

In the top right corner of your screenshot, click on the 4rth icon to view logs.Ram Vennam
Can you provide a link to the Github project or sample application, if you are using one?Hobert Bush III
@RamVennam Thanks Ram. I checked my log and have put a screenshot of it in my original question. Possible problem it says is :- Gulp may not be tracked in package.json !!!Daisy_s
@HobertBushIII I am not following a particular sample but i am taking major references from this github.com/watson-developer-cloud/car-dashboardDaisy_s

1 Answers


You're trying to use a node npm module which you might not have declared as a dependency. Add gulp to your package.json as show in in the car-dashboard sample you are referencing.