I'm trying to do a regex in stringr for a negative lookbehind in R.
So basically, I have a text data that looks something like this :
See item 7 Management's Discussion and Analysis. BlahBlahBlah. Item 7 Management's Discussion and Analysis. BlahBlahBlah. Item 8 Financial Statements and Supplementary Data.
I want to select everything from the "Item 7" right after the "blahblahblah." sentence to "Item 8-Financial Statements and Supplementary Data"
So I want
Item 7 Management's Discussion and Analysis. BlahBlahBlah. Item 8 Financial Statements and Supplementary Data.
which is everything except for the sentence that contains "see item 7 Management's Discussion and Analysis"
Right now, I'm working with this code:
(?<!see)Item 7(.*?)Item 8
But it's not returning what i want.
My logic is to not look at sentences that contain the word "see" followed by "item 7 Management's Discussion and Analysis" but it doesn't seem to be working.
Is there a way I can implement this negative lookbehind?