A pure solution
I would like to add a pure, relational solution to the existing one.
Ideally, you can use a Prolog predicate in all directions, and I will now show an implementation that lets you do this: Not only can you sort an instantiated list according to your criteria, no, you can also generate solutions and complete partially instantiated solutions.
To do this, I am using the meta-predicate if_/3
from library(reif)
Reified predicates
I start with the reified versions of your predicates, also taking the liberty to use the more telling names red
, white
and blue
to denote the colors:
red(R, T) :- =(R, red, T).
white(W, T) :- =(W, white, T).
blue(B, T) :- =(B, blue, T).
Note I am using (=)/3
, which ships for free with library(reif)
Using DCGs to describe lists
Next, purely for convenience, I am using dcg notation to describe the subsequences of interest:
reds([]) --> [].
reds(Rs) -->
{ if_(red(R), Rs = [R|Rest], Rs = Rest) },
whites([]) --> [].
whites(Ws) --> [W],
{ if_(white(W), Ws = [W|Rest], Ws = Rest) },
blues([]) --> [].
blues(Bs) --> [B],
{ if_(blue(B), Bs = [B|Rest], Bs = Rest) },
I leave making this more concise as an easy exercise.
With these building blocks, we can express the overall solution:
dutch(Colors, Ds) :-
phrase(reds(Rs), Colors),
phrase(whites(Ws), Colors),
phrase(blues(Bs), Colors),
phrase((Rs,Ws,Bs), Ds).
Of course, this works in simple, instantiated cases like:
?- dutch([red,white,blue], Ds).
Ds = [red, white, blue] ;
Now the point: This also works in the most general case, where all arguments are variables:
?- length(Cs, _), dutch(Cs, Ds).
Cs = Ds, Ds = [] ;
Cs = Ds, Ds = [red] ;
Cs = Ds, Ds = [white] ;
Cs = Ds, Ds = [blue] ;
Cs = [_G1322],
Ds = [],
dif(_G1322, blue),
dif(_G1322, white),
dif(_G1322, red) ;
Cs = Ds, Ds = [red, red] ;
Cs = Ds, Ds = [red, white] ;
Cs = Ds, Ds = [red, blue] ;
Cs = [red, _G1340],
Ds = [red],
dif(_G1340, blue),
dif(_G1340, white),
dif(_G1340, red) .
By adding further goals, we can specialize this query to observe concrete solutions that are now generated:
?- length(Cs, _), Cs = [_,_,_|_], dutch(Cs, Ds), ground(Cs).
Cs = Ds, Ds = [red, red, red] ;
Cs = Ds, Ds = [red, red, white] ;
Cs = Ds, Ds = [red, red, blue] ;
Cs = [red, white, red],
Ds = [red, red, white] ;
Cs = [red, blue, red],
Ds = [red, red, blue] .
Compare this with the other answer, which cannot be used to fairly enumerate solutions:
?- length(Xs, _), Xs = [_,_,_|_], dutch(Xs, Ys).
Xs = Ys, Ys = [1, 1, 1] ;
Xs = Ys, Ys = [1, 1, 1, 1] ;
Xs = Ys, Ys = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1] ;
Xs = Ys, Ys = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1] ;
Xs = Ys, Ys = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1] .
Thus, by retaining logical-purity we have obtained a more general logic program, which we can use in all directions.
Admittedly, you did not request this generality. However, while we are at it, why waive it?