I have the following code, i am trying to replicate it without using Proc SQL
Proc sql;
create table PA as
select a.*, b.text as county from PA a left join abnom.countyn b
on a.countycode=b.amt
Normally, i would just use proc sort on the dataset and merge, by a common variable, but in this example, the countycode in a referes to amt in b, this does not work with merge. I tried making the following
proc sort data=PA;
by countycode;
data tmp;
set exam.ts2;
countycode = amt;
county = tekst;
proc sort data=tmp;
by countycode;
data PA;
merge PA(in=a) tmp(in=b);
by countycode;
if a;
And this surely merges the sets. But i don't know how to exclude and rename the variables, that is stated in the proc sql. And also i have not got access to the datasets in this problem, so i cant test my solution (although i have made test sets).
So in short, how can i replicate the proc sql, with out using the proc sql?
Best Regards, Steffen