
Using "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/plus.login" api, we are getting the access to a list of people in the user's circles in addition to their name and profile information. After api deprecation, we using people.connections.list api "https://people.googleapis.com/v1/people/me/connections" as per documentation but we get list contacts only, not friends list in google+. please help us to retrieve the friends list in google-plus. Thank you


2 Answers


This is probably only telling you what you already know or have guessed.

From the deprecated People API page: "... calls to the API return empty circle data for those new sign-ins." and "In place of the social connection data from the Google+ People API, you can get rich contacts data from the new Google People API."

It seems that there will no longer be a public API for getting a Google+ friends list. Consider supporting an alternate social media platform for your app or utilizing Google Contacts.


It sounds like the People API will actually be more powerful than the G+ people.list method. The G+ API only listed people that the user had circled--that isn't the same as being a friend or close contact. The people API likely better reflects closer connections between individuals as well as exposing a broad number of contacts to apps. I think for most apps, this is an improvement.