
I am trying to figure out how to write an IF statement such as this

 IF (value in column A is ODD, then do this)
 IF (value in column A is EVEN, then do this)

With the cells having both letters and numbers in them (i.e. cells would have the following format in a column: A1, A2, A3, etc.). This is my current formula:

=IF(EVEN(A13)=A13, I13, L13),

However, I can't somehow manipulate it such that it omits the letter in the cell and just looks at the number. Any suggestions would be gladly appreciated!

Will it always be one letter? Just substitue A13 with RIGHT(A13, LEN(A13)-1)Robin Gertenbach
Not always, a cell could look like (AB24 or ABC24). I just want to look at the numerical value and write a formula incorporating this into an IF statement looking to see whether the numerical value is even or odd.tellap
So the number is always at the very end of the string?XOR LX
The VBA function IIF() (inline if) works much the same way as Excel's IF formula.jsheeran
The letters and numbers are in mixup (AB12F8) or always letters at the start, numbers at the end?Blenikos

3 Answers


To test for evenness of a number, it is sufficient to perform the test on the last digit only of that number.

As such, and if the numbers only appear at the end of the string, then:




Here's an array formula that will work but I think there is a simpler way. You'll need to press ctrl+shft+enter:


Here is the non-array version. Just press enter:


Here is a vba function that I use to extract numbers from a string:

Public Function numer(val As Variant) As Double
Dim collector As String
Dim i As Long

For i = 1 To Len(val)
    If IsNumeric(Mid(val, i, 1)) Or Mid(val, i, 1) = "," Then: _
    collector = collector + Mid(val, i, 1)
Next i

numer = CDbl(collector)

End Function

You can add that on a new module and then use it inside your formulas as you wish (like a normal excel function, see below in the screenshot).


For more info on how to do this (use a vba function in your formulas) please take a look here: https://support.office.com/en-us/article/Create-Custom-Functions-in-Excel-2007-2f06c10b-3622-40d6-a1b2-b6748ae8231f

If you need to have a coma for decimal places inside your number, you have to change a little bit the if statement in that function to accept commas.

EDIT: I've improved the function to accept decimal numbers (with comma) and also I have created a more complex exampel for you that shows how to use the function with the result (In column B on my screenshot) and how to use it inside a formula with IF.