I have a list of objects that I want retrieve from a local database (if available), or from a remote server otherwise. I'm using RxJava Observables (SqlBrite for the database and Retrofit for the remote server).
My query code is as follows:
Observable<List<MyObject>> dbObservable = mDatabase
Observable<List<MyObject>> remoteObservable = mRetrofitService.getMyObjectApiService().getMyObjects();
return Observable.concat(dbObservable, remoteObservable)
.first(new Func1<List<MyObject>, Boolean>() {
public Boolean call(List<MyObject> myObjects) {
return !myObjects.isEmpty();
I see the first observable running and hitting the first method with an empty list, but then the retrofit observable does not run, there is no network request. If I switch the order of the observables, or just return the remote observable, it works as expected, it hits the remote server and returns the list of objects.
Why would the remote observable fail to run in this scenario? The subscriber's onNext, orError and onComplete methods are not called when I concatenate the observables with the db first and retrofit second.