
I have a testng suite file which has 10 classes inside a test. Say

 <class name = "Class1">
 <class name = "Class2">
 <class name = "Class3">

Now class1 has 3 methods with priority 1,2,3 in order and the same with class 2 and class3. When I run the job in Jenkins with suite having preserve-order="true", the tests run as class1-priority1 test, class2-priority1, class3-priority1, class1-priority2, class2-priority2 etc.

I need to have all the tests associated with class1 executed inorder first and then class2 and then class3.

Could someone tell me why this behavior is?

Please note, that TestNG in version 6.10 + changed policy regarding preserve-order and priority importance: "Hierarchy on order features (from less important to more important): groupByInstance, preserveOrder, priority, dependsOnGroups, dependsOnMethods"guitar_freak

2 Answers


The default order depends on the Java reflection API. You may include method names under < methods > in the order you want. This may be cumbersome & may look clumsy while file gets bigger. Nevertheless, it may help you in this regard.

Example xml:

<class name="Fully qualified class name without extension">
       <include name="method_1" />
       <include name="method_1" />
        <include name="method_N" />

Other than the previous solution, you may add dependency for test cases in your test methods using annotation. But, changing/modifying xml will far better than modifying codes.


The order you describe is the expected one.

Instead of priority, you should try to use dependsOnMethods.