
I'm using Dagger 2 in Android Studio, but when try to create Component through DaggerMyComponent.builder().myModule(new MyModule()).build(), I always see the word "builder()" in red and it says "cannot resolve symbol builder".

I must say that I've cleaned and builted many times the project, even commenting the component instance and decommenting it after rebuild. I must also say that I can inspect the DaggerMyComponent.class, and everything seems ok, in fact, I can import that class with no problem.

The example is shared on GithHub, at this link:


I have two Classes: BClass and AClass which depends on the first one. I have ABModule.class which is the factory method and ABComponent which is the component interface. The DaggerABComponent is created into WholeApplication.class which extends Application.

package mawashi.alex.letsdagger2together.Application;

import android.app.Application;
import mawashi.alex.letsdagger2together.DaggerClasses.ABComponent;
import mawashi.alex.letsdagger2together.DaggerClasses.ABModule;
import mawashi.alex.letsdagger2together.DaggerClasses.DaggerABComponent;

public class WholeApplication extends Application {
    static ABComponent component;

    public void onCreate() {
        //here is where builder() is not recognized
        component = new DaggerABComponent.builder().aBModule(new ABModule()).build();


    public static ABComponent getComponent(){
        return component;


package mawashi.alex.letsdagger2together.DaggerClasses;

import dagger.Module;
import dagger.Provides;
import mawashi.alex.letsdagger2together.Model.AClass;
import mawashi.alex.letsdagger2together.Model.BClass;

public class ABModule {

    public BClass provideBClass(){
       return new BClass("xxx");

    public AClass provideAClass(BClass bClass){
       return new AClass(bClass);


package mawashi.alex.letsdagger2together.DaggerClasses;

import dagger.Component;
import mawashi.alex.letsdagger2together.MainActivity;

@Component (modules = {ABModule.class})
public interface ABComponent {
    public void inject(MainActivity mainActivity);

Classes which are to be injected:

package mawashi.alex.letsdagger2together.Model;

public class BClass {
    private String xfactor;
    public BClass(String xfactor){
        this.xfactor = xfactor;
    public String getXfactor(){
        return xfactor;

package mawashi.alex.letsdagger2together.Model;

public class AClass {
    private BClass b;
    public AClass(BClass b){
        this.b = b;
    public String getYfactor(){
        return "Y-" + b.getXfactor() + "-Y";

Place where to inject AClass and BClass:

package mawashi.alex.letsdagger2together;

import android.support.v7.app.AppCompatActivity;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.widget.Toast;

import javax.inject.Inject;

import mawashi.alex.letsdagger2together.Application.WholeApplication;
import mawashi.alex.letsdagger2together.DaggerClasses.ABModule;
import mawashi.alex.letsdagger2together.DaggerClasses.DaggerABComponent;
import mawashi.alex.letsdagger2together.Model.AClass;

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

    @Inject AClass a;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        Toast.makeText(this, a.getYfactor(),Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

If anyone knows what I mistake it would be very nice to me. Thanks to everybody.

please share your code to see what is missing..Matias Elorriaga
look at GitHub link written above... expecially the classes ABModule, ABComponent, WholeApplication... thanks!!Alex Mawashi

2 Answers


Oh, I've figured it out.

You added this line:

    component = new DaggerABComponent.builder().aBModule(new ABModule()).build();

And it should be this line:

    component = DaggerABComponent.builder().aBModule(new ABModule()).build();

So just remove new and then it'll work.


All fields with @Inject annotation must be public: @Inject public AClass a; in your Activity