I'm trying to maintain some Wix code, and am getting the following warning:
warning LGHT1076 : ICE57: Component 'FILE_MY_ASSOCIATION' has both per-user and per-machine data with an HKCU Registry KeyPath.
From the following code:
<Component Id="FILE_MY_ASSOCIATION" Guid="E1DF42A5-BD00-4a80-9BE5-B66A3EF0576E" Win64="$(var.Variables_Win64)">
<RegistryKey Root="HKCU" Key="Software\MyComany\MyProduct">
<RegistryValue Value="" Type="string" KeyPath="yes" />
<ProgId Icon="FILE_MY_FILETYPE_ICON" Id="MY_FILE_EXTENSION" Description="My Product File" >
<Extension Id="myext" Advertise="no" >
<Verb Id="Open" Argument=""%1"" TargetFile="MYUI_EXE_FILE"/>
I'm having trouble working out what's wrong or if this is a warning I really need to worry about.
- Do I need to worry about and fix this warning? Could the code as it is currently cause problems in some circumstances?
- Also, I'm wondering, why does the registry key use HKCU instead of HKLM. If I change it to HKLM. the warning goes away, but does this affect the behaviour of the installer?