Crosshairs are a nifty feature of Google Charts, but if you have them enabled for a line chart in which the individual points are emphasized (by setting pointSize to slightly larger than lineWidth), then they do something unpleasant: when the user hovers over the corresponding legend entry, the crosshairs will appear for every data point in that graph trace! If you have hundreds of data points in that trace, having hundreds of crosshairs appear, all at once, makes an ugly mess.
This does not happen for line charts in which pointSize is not set (i.e., for which only the lines, and not the actual data points, are visible).
Is there any way to make crosshairs appear only when mousing over the data points on the graph, and not when mousing over the legend, in a line chart which has points made visible by setting pointSize?
Here's what the graph looks like when hovering over one of the data points:
Here's what it looks like when hovering over the corresponding legend entry:
As you can see, the crosshairs cover up almost everything else.
Here's the web page that generated this graph: