I've been trying to create Mp3 list using DataGridView to show info. I want to add data at runtime and I have Columns like Artist, Song Name, Rating, Path... but I want to be able to select entire Row when selecting a Cell. I've used this code for that:
private void DataViewGrid1_MouseClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
int rindex = DataViewGrid1.CurrentCell.RowIndex;
DataViewGrid1.Rows[rindex].Selected = true;
and it works but the problem is that it's to sloooow! When I click on the cell whole row is selected but it's visually terrible. I can see cell selected and after a delay whole row is selected but the delay is just too long. Is there a faster (or better) way to do this? Or maybe there is a better control that can do this? I also want to be able to present rows in a different font (for example: change font color for the same artist in the list). I'm open for all suggestions. Thanks!