from the ets doc, All updates to single objects are guaranteed to be both atomic and isolated. This means that an updating operation to a single object either succeeds or fails completely without any effect (atomicity) and that no intermediate results of the update can be seen by other processes (isolation).
for the following code, I wrapped two tables into one
my questions:
is this a common pattern in Erlang?
for the insert and update, is it atomic and isolated ?
-module(example_store). -export([init/0, insert/1, update/1]).
init() -> ets:new(store, [public, named_table, {read_concurrency, true}, {write_concurrency, true}]),
Data = ets:new(store_data, [public, named_table, {read_concurrency, true}, {write_concurrency, true}]),
Info = ets:new(store_info, [public,ordered_set, named_table, {read_concurrency, true}, {write_concurrency, true}]), ets:insert(store, {store, Data, Info}). %% insert data insert({Key, Value, Info}) -> {store, Data_tb, Info_tb} = ets:lookup(store, store), ets:insert(Data_tb, {Key, Value}), ets:insert(Info_tb, {Info, Key}), ok. %% update data update({Key, Value, Info, Info_old}) -> {store, Data_tb, Info_tb} = ets:lookup(store, store), ets:insert(Data_tb, {Key, Value}), ets:delete(Info_tb, {Info_old,Key}), ets:insert(Info_tb, {Info, Key}), ok.
from @Derek Brown, the wrapped table cannot guarantee insert/1
and update/1
to be isolated.
Q3 : is that possible to make it isolated? (apart from the Gen_server)