Take the inverse fourier transform, and look at the element at time zero. Note that this is actually just the sum of all the values (\int{X(w)e^{iwt}}dw | t=0 = \int X(w) dw
), with some scaling constant applied which depends on how you defined the psd in a discrete frequency domain
The power spectral density, S_xx(w)
, is equal to F{R_xx(tau)}
, the fourier transform of the autocorrelation, R_xx(tau) = E[x(t)x(t+tau)]
Since you want the standard deviation, you can get R_xx(0) = E[x(t)^2]
, and then std^2 = E[x(t)^2] - E[x(t)]^2
Unfortunately, it seems you have no way to recover E[x(t)]
. Perhaps you already know this is 0?
will give you the standard deviation of the spectrum amplitude. But it sounds like you want the standard deviation of the time-series signal. This questions is a math/statistics question, not a programming one. – Eric