
I use an existing symfony project with sylius bundle and included payum bundle. I have already some bundle in the src folder.

I need to create a custom gateway. For this I found that : https://github.com/Payum/Payum/blob/master/src/Payum/Core/Resources/docs/develop-gateway-with-payum.md

But, what about where to execute the command line "composer create-project payum/skeleton", it seems to be important to apply new skeleton into current project ?

And then in the documentation, there are these informations :

  • Replace all occurrences of payum with your vendor name. It may be your github name, for now let's say you choose: acme

  • Replace all occurrences of skeleton with a payment gateway name. For example Stripe, Paypal etc. For now let's say you choose: paypal.

What does that mean ? replace all folder name, all file name, all terms in files ?

And finally, this documentation talks about : "Register a gateway factory to the payum's builder and create a gateway"

Where to do that ? How to do that ? Is there a command line or something like that ?

Many thanks


1 Answers

  1. Check the Sylius documentation about custom gateway configuration. It should really help you with it.

  2. Payum documentation just emphasize how to setup project. Here you have a little bigger explanation of command and step 2 and 3. If you have existing project you can skip this part. Only the last point should interest you.