I had a project that was configured to be:
CMake Project
- static Lib A src (depends on B)
- static Lib B src (depends on Qt)
- App src (statically links with LibA)
Each of these folders had its own CMakeLists.txt but all were part of the same CMake project. Things were working fine.
Then for the purpose of more easily separating the library source and the app source into different source code repositories, I started to learn about the creation of CMake packages and performing find_package on LibA. I rearranged things so that now the libraries are their own CMake project, which requires I run "cmake --build . --target install" to put the packages in a common area (not in the build folder).
The app similarly became its own CMake package, and I thought I would only need to find_package(LibA). It turned out I also needed to find_package on LibB because there was one header that the App needed. But the unexpected part is that the App needed to find_package on Qt5Widgets, Qt5Core, and Qt5Gui just as LibB did. That's the part that I don't quite understand. When everything was one giant project, the App's CMakeLists.txt only needed to link against LibA. Was all of the other stuff just taken care of without me knowing? Am I naive to think that performing find_package on LibA and LibB would somehow cause the Qt libs to be linked in to the App as well?
This might be a lousy question, because I have things working again. I just want to make sure I understand the why.