I have a QtApp
for android
which I build command line
using the following command. It builds using ant. All great. Builds fine. Runs fine. Following the core command which creates & signs the apk for me.
Path/To/androiddeployqt --sign /Path/to/MyKey.keystore MyAlias --storepass MyPassword --output android --verbose --input /path/to/android-libMyQtApp.so-deployment-settings.json $ANT_OPTIONS
Next, I have a few versioning customisations to do for which I need to create my own build.xml & make ant pick my custom build.xml. I read through the following ant official page which describes usage of -buildfile
& states that you can mention the directory containing your custom build.xml.
As I want to use my custom build.xml which I created in my project directory, I made the following change in the command.
ANT_OPTIONS=" -ant -buildfile '/Directory/containing/my_build.xml'"
Path/To/androiddeployqt --sign /Pathto/MyKey.keystore MyAlias --storepass MyPassword --output android --verbose --input /path/to/android-libMyQtApp.so-deployment-settings.json $ANT_OPTIONS
But ant still picks up the default generated build.xml. What is wrong in my ANT_OPTIONS ? Does androiddeployqt
dis-allow me from passing extra ant command line options ?
Or, is it possible to create an ant.properties file so that ant picks up my custom build commands ? I just want to increment the version number of my android app