
I have build a docker image and started the container using ansible. I'm running into an issue trying to create a dynamic connection to the container from the docker host to set some environment variable and execute some script. I know ansible does not use ssh to connect to the container where I can can use the expect module to run this command "ssh root@localhost -p 12345". How do I add and maintain a connection to the container using ansible docker connection plugin or pointing directly to the docker host? This is all running in AWS EC2 instance.

I think I need to run ansible as an equivalent to this command use by ansible to connect to the container host "docker exec -i -t container_host_server /bin/bash".

  • name: Create a data container
    name: packageserver
    image: my_image/image_name
    tty: yes
    state: started
    detach: True
    detach: yes
    • /var/www/html
    • "12345:22"
    • "80:80"
      register: container

Thanks in Advance, DT


1 Answers


To set environment variables you can use parameter "env" in your docker_container task.

In the docker_container task you can add the parameter "command" to override the command defined as CMD in the Dockerfile of your docker image, somethning like

command: PathToYourScript && sleep infinity

In your example you expose container port 22, so it seems you want run sshd inside container. Although it's not a best practice in Docker, if you want sshd running you have to start that using command parameter in the docker_container task:

command: ['/usr/sbin/sshd', '-D']

Doing it (and having defined a user in the container), you'll be able to connect your container with

ssh -p 12345 user@dockerServer

or, as for your example, "ssh -p 12345 root@localhost" if your image already defined root user and you are working on localhost.