Using Access 2010 and relatively new to Access in general. For simplicity say I have the following two tables:
Tbl 1: Employee_Info (Fields: Employee_ID (primary key), Employee_Name, & Employee_Status (active, inactive, termed))
Tbl 2: Monthly_Sales (Fields: Month/Year, Sales, & Employee_ID (foreign key))
Every month a member of our team has to enter in the monthly sales for all active employees and I would like to design a form where all active employees are displayed as records and the person doing the data entry only needs to enter the month and year and sales. Something similar to this:
Date: User inputs date here once and pre-populates all the records below
Column 1: Employee_ID: All active employee IDs are displayed
Column 2: Sales:These fields are blank and user enters in the monthly sales.
I have looked all over the internet and have been unable to find a solution to this problem. I don't think it is as simple as using an append query but again I am relatively new to access. Thanks in advance for your help.