
I have the following configuration for my logstash importing a few CSV files:

input {
  file {
    path => [
    start_position => "beginning"    
filter {
  csv {
      separator => ","
      columns => ["MessageCode","SourceGuid","DateTimeGenerated","Code1","Code2","Code3","Code4","LanguageCode", "AlarmSeverity", "Message", "Guid1", "Guid2", "Guid3", "Guid4", "MessageOrigin", "RequestId", "Bool1", "Bool2", "Bool3", "Bool4", "Bool5", "Bool6", "Bool7", "Bool8", "Code5", "Code6", "Bool9", "Bool10", "Bool11", "Code7"]
output {  
    elasticsearch {
        action => "index"
        hosts => "localhost"
        index => "S2K"
        workers => 1
    stdout {}

I launch logstash with this command line:

logstash.bat –f ..\conf\logstash.conf --verbose

Usually I see the data that's being imported into Elasticsearch in the console. But all I get this time is one line that says "Pipeline main started" and it stays like that.

How can I check from logstash if data was imported? I tried using Elasticsearch by running: curl http://localhost:9200/_aliases

This usually gives the list of indices. But the index I have in this config (called S2K) does not get listed.

I'm new to ELK so how can I check if logstash is doing it's job? Please note that I'm using Windows 7.

I think the problem might be that you have already read the files with logstash, then you'll have to change the path of the sincedb file, which saves where logstash has read files cf elastic.co/guide/en/logstash/current/…baudsp

3 Answers


To debug logstash you need to do two things: add stdout in config, and run logstash in a proper way.

1 step: Add this config in your logstash conf file (ex.: /etc/logstash/conf.d/config.conf)

output {
  stdout {
    codec => rubydebug {
      metadata => true # Here, we will print metadata in console

2 step: Run logstash to see output with command

sudo /usr/share/logstash/bin/logstash  -f /etc/logstash/conf.d/config.conf

And you will get something like this:

            "log" => {
        "file" => {
            "path" => "***\\spring.log"
        "appName" => "my-service",
      "@metadata" => {
        "ip_address" => "***",
              "type" => "_doc",
              "beat" => "filebeat",
           "version" => "7.12.0"
      "log_level" => "INFO",
     "serverName" => "***",
            "pid" => "6236",
         "thread" => "main",
        "message" => "***",
    "serviceName" => "***",
           "tags" => [
        [0] "beats_input_codec_plain_applied"
          "input" => {
        "type" => "log"
     "@timestamp" => 2021-01-03T10:22:07.644Z,
       "@version" => "1",
          "class" => "***"

Finally, after debug you can run it like sudo systemctl start logstash

Hope, it would help you, this approach helped me to save my time


Stdout Ruby Debug is your friend here.

This will output everything to screen so you'll need to push the screen output to a file (example code at the bottom)


What goes in the .conf file within the output section

output { stdout { codec => rubydebug } }

This is the example of how you would run the conf and push the screen output to another file for debugging.

logstash -r -f yourconfig.conf > debugfile.out

Just change yourconfig.conf and debugfile.out for whatever names you want and please remember to remove the rubydebug codec from your conf file when done debugging!

Hope this helps


You may be able to use the line codec to change the charset of how the line is read (default is UTF-8) instead of having to change the files themselves