
I created a sample Stateless Web API Service Fabric Application and tested in local. I also created a Fabric cluster from Azure portal and deployed this application into cloud.

The endpoint of the cluster is - http://somename.westus.cloudapp.azure.com. When I am accessing the application with the endpoint specified in the ServiceManifest.xml, I am not getting response. I see timeout from the request trying for long time.

The url I tried is - http://somename.westus.cloudapp.azure.com:8901/api/values. 8901 is the endpoint defined in the ServiceManifest.xml.

Please let me know what I am missing here.

Many Thanks, Thirumalai M

It is likely that the ports and probes on the load balancer haven't been configured for that port, take a look here: azure.microsoft.com/en-gb/documentation/articles/…jimpaine
Thanks jimpaine. The issue was the custom port was not configured while creating cluster. I was added the port, not it started working fine. Thanks..Thirumalai

2 Answers


As jimpaine suggested, the below url given solution for configuring prob port number from client.


I added the port 8901 in the prob, and the service started working.


You might want to ensure that the custom endpoint 8901 is enabled when you create your service fabric cluster in the portal, as described here