I am planning to migrate an existing worklight 6.1 application to mobilefirst 7.1.Currently three versions of application are running.
I am following this as my reference : http://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSHS8R_7.1.0/com.ibm.worklight.upgrade.doc/devenv/c_upgrade_to_srvr_in_production_env.html
But I am going to do some process change in this process because I have a fresh server for mobilefirst 7.1.
As in mobilefirst 7.1, there are many changes in workligth db in compare to worklight 6.1, I will create a configuration first on mf server using server configuration tool. Then I will create a runtime environment for my application with lates mobilefirst 7.1 war.
But while doing that if I give reference of older database(worklight 6.1) as database in server configuration tool for migration , are all version which are currently running on worklight will run without error on mobilefirst 7.1?
Should I keep contextroot of mf runtime same as worklight (previous) ?
All I want is older versions to be up and running after this deployment. I will enable mf server on same Domain/IP which is configured with worklight 6.1 server.