I try to set up various protocols that work hand in hand. Unfortunately I cannot make them work the way I want. Looking at the following code, I think my goal is obvious: I want to require a class that conforms to a protocol X. If it conforms to protocol Y instead but protocol Y inherits from protocol X, it should be accepted as a conforming class too. Instead I receive the following compile error
Unable to infer associated type 'VC' for protocol 'ViewModelType'
Inferred type 'ExampleViewControllerType' (by matching requirement 'viewController') is invalid: does not conform to 'ViewType'
Current setup:
protocol ViewModelType: class {
associatedtype VC: ViewType
weak var viewController: VC! { get set }
class ExampleViewModel: ViewModelType {
weak var viewController: ExampleViewControllerType!
protocol ViewType: class { }
protocol ExampleViewControllerType: ViewType { }
class ExampleViewController: UIViewController, ExampleViewControllerType {
as a type that conforms toViewType
. – Hamish