I'm trying to update a sheet with an import of a .CSV file.. I can read and update all the information. After the update I want to remove some data. All the rows with D empty must be deleted (whole row).
For that, I have a foreach that checks D3:D486 (is last row). After running the macro, there are some rows deleted, but not all the rows.
Dim rCell As Range
Dim rRng As Range
Debug.Print CStr(LastRow)
Set rRng = Worksheets("sheet1").Range("D3:D" + CStr(LastRow))
For Each rCell In rRng.Cells
If Not IsEmpty(rCell) Then
Debug.Print rCell.Row
Debug.Print "Empty"
End If
Next rCell
I guess there is a problem with the for-each.. By example, If he delete row 100, the next time he goes to row 101.. But thats previous row 102.. I can save the cells maybe in an array, but then it would be the same. Except if I go the other way (from bottom to top). How can I solve this?