
I want to get a pre-signed URL for my S3 bucket for a PUT request like this (in node.js)

      accessKeyId: s3Config.accessKeyId,
      secretAccessKey: s3Config.secretAccessKey,
      region: s3Config.region,
      signatureVersion: 'v4'
   var s3bucket = new AWS.S3({params: {Bucket: s3Config.bucket,Key:'/content'}});
   s3Config.preSignedURL = s3bucket.getSignedUrl('putObject',{ACL:s3Config.acl})

as a result i get


This URL is according to Amazon wrong. The URL has to be in the format http://*.s3.amazonaws.com/*. I also get the Error net::ERR_INSECURE_RESPONSE from the pre-flight. What do I have to do that the function constructs the right URL. Removing the region from the URL leads to 400 Bad Request. Pre-flight OPTIONS works then.

In what region is the bucket located, and what is your perception of what the correct URL should be? For some regions, the format you seem to be showing is a valid alternative.Michael - sqlbot
Does the returned URL work?John Rotenstein
s3-eu-west-1 is my region. According to Amazon only URL in the format http://*.s3.amazonaws.com/* are valid and the returned URL gives me an Error, not even the pre-flight will come backMaurus WTFSt0n3d Dhler

1 Answers


I believe a PUT request needs to go to a specific bucket region.

If for some reason the URL that you get back has the wrong region for your bucket (say your EC2 instance is in a different region) you can set the bucket region in the S3 init.

return new aws.S3({region:"s3-eu-west-1"})