
I'm writing a powershell script where I need to verify the signature of a string using public / private key cryptography. I looked around and only found a "untested" demo of RSA implemented directly in powershell.

Is it possible to use a secure RSA implementation in powershell and if not, are there any other private / public key signature algorithms available?


1 Answers


Can you use .Net objects in your script? Just instantiate a .Net RSACryptoServiceProvider object and load your public and/or private key information. Then you can call any of the Encrypt, Decrypt, SignData or VerifyData functions, as you would in, say, C# code.

$rsa = New-Object -TypeName System.Security.Cryptography.RSACryptoServiceProvider
$rsa.FromXmlString("<RSAKeyValue>your public / private key info here</RSAKeyValue>")
$bytes = GetYourDataAsByteArray()
$decryptedBytes = $rsa.Decrypt($bytes, $true)
// don't forget to dispose when you're done!