Im creating wp theme using Redux framework, WP-Less for compiling styles in LESS. Working in PhpStorm.
Now, i want to change some colors dynamically from Redux and pass them to my main style.less file which will be compiled in style.css.
The problem is, when i want to load my css, i NEED to do it using
wp_enqueue_style('my-style', get_stylesheet_uri());
but it only loads css, not my less file. In my functions.php file i have defined my variables.
add_filter('less_vars', 'my_less_vars', 10, 2);
function my_less_vars($vars, $handle) {
global $redux_qmakeup;
if (isset($redux_qmakeup['opt-typography']['font-family'])) {
$font_name = $redux_qmakeup['opt-typography']['font-family'];
} else {
$font_name = 'Montserrat';
if (isset($redux_qmakeup['opt-typography']['color'])) {
$font_color = $redux_qmakeup['opt-typography']['color'];
} else {
$font_color = '#d6451e';
if (isset($redux_qmakeup['opt-color-footer'])) {
$footer_color = $redux_qmakeup['opt-color-footer'];
} else {
$footer_color = '#414243';
// $handle is a reference to the handle used with wp_enqueue_style()
$vars["font-family"] = "'$font_name'";
$vars["font-color"] = "$font_color";
$vars["footer-color"] = "$footer_color";
return $vars; }
In WP-LESS documentation it says that now i can use @footer-color in my .less file and PhpStorm will compile it automatically. But it wont, compiling is broken because my @footer-color is not defined. And if i define it as a empty var, it wont take my redux color but will keep that empty var.