Slices when its passed it’s passed with the pointer to underlying array, so a slice is a small structure that points to an underlying array. The small structure is copied, but it still points to the same underlying array. the memory block containing the slice elements is passed by "reference". The slice information triplet holding the capacity, the number of element and the pointer to the elements is passed by value.
The best way to handle slices passing to function (if the elements of the slice are manipulated into the function, and we do not want this to be reflected at the elements memory block is to copy them using copy(s, *c)
package main
import "fmt"
type Team []Person
type Person struct {
Name string
Age int
func main() {
team := Team{
Person{"Hasan", 34}, Person{"Karam", 32},
fmt.Printf("original before clonning: %v\n", team)
team_cloned := team.Clone()
fmt.Printf("original after clonning: %v\n", team)
fmt.Printf("clones slice: %v\n", team_cloned)
func (c *Team) Clone() Team {
var s = make(Team, len(*c))
copy(s, *c)
for index, _ := range s {
s[index].Name = "change name"
return s
But be careful, if this slice is containing a sub slice
further copying is required, as we'll still have the sub slice elements sharing pointing to the same memory block elements, an example is:
type Inventories []Inventory
type Inventory struct {
Warehouse string
Item string
Batches Lots
type Lots []Lot
type Lot struct {
Date time.Time
Key string
Value float64
func main() {
ins := Inventory{
Warehouse: "DMM",
Item: "Gloves",
Batches: Lots{
Lot{mustTime(time.Parse(custom, "1/7/2020")), "Jan", 50},
Lot{mustTime(time.Parse(custom, "2/1/2020")), "Feb", 70},
inv2 := CloneFrom(c Inventories)
func (i *Inventories) CloneFrom(c Inventories) {
inv := new(Inventories)
for _, v := range c {
batches := Lots{}
for _, b := range v.Batches {
batches = append(batches, Lot{
Date: b.Date,
Key: b.Key,
Value: b.Value,
*inv = append(*inv, Inventory{
Warehouse: v.Warehouse,
Item: v.Item,
Batches: batches,
func (i *Inventories) ReplaceBy(x *Inventories) {
*i = *x