I've been learning Angular2 for a short time now, everything was fine. I've recently tried to use Ionic 2 with Angular 2 but cannot seem to use the custom component i make within my files. I'm sure it's a simple mistake on my part, was wondering if anyone could tell me what i'm doing wrong.
I have a base @Component with selector of 'contact-form', it does nothing except create a form within a templateURL html file.
Within the file i wish to use this component i import the Component from ./path...
i then add directives: [Component i created]
At this point i get the error:
if component is an angular component, verify it is part of this module
if component is a web component then add "CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA" to the @ngModule.schemas of this component.
I've never had this issue when using the quickstart application, just within ionic.