What is the significance of the replica id for a stateful service in Azure Service Fabric. To be clear, I understand what a replica is, but I don't understand why a replica in two completely different services would end up with the same ID and/or why for a given service the number of replica IDs is far greater than the TargetReplicaSetSize.
I was trying to identify the replicas that belonged to each partition of a stateful service, and had hoped/assumed the replica id would do that. How could I make this determination?
To add, given Rotem's guidance below, here is a snapshot of the replicas on one of my nodes. Note the first two lines have the same replica id, but belong to different partitions, that's the part I don't get.
Similarly, here you see the same replica id used for two different services:
Clearly, I keep using 'replica id' but that word does not mean what I think it means... what does it mean.