When using Amazon AWS Cognito Federated Identities, and parsing the data at:https://cognito-identity.amazonaws.com/.well-known/jwks_uri
which looks like:
... }
This works fine decoding the n
field using this code (Kotlin calling JDK 8 Base64 class):
But when using Cognito User Pools which has data at a URL in the form of:https://cognito-idp.${REGION}.amazonaws.com/${POOLID}/.well-known/jwks.json
It has the same type of data, but it will not decode. Instead I end up with errors such as:
Illegal base64 character 5f
Since that is an underscore _
and in the Base64 URL alphabet, I tried changing my decoding to:
But then the first set of data no longer decodes correctly because it contains /
and other invalid characters for Base64 URL encoding.
Is there a method that can handle both of these jwks
sets of data with the same decoder?!?
Note: this question is intentionally written and answered by the author (Self-Answered Questions), so that solutions for interesting problems are shared in SO.