I'm using CodeIgniter to build an application with a Fullcalendar and I'm trying to integrate Google calendar.
I had trouble using the JS and preferred to use PHP, so I have a controller called Calendar.php
to call the Google Calendar API, get the primary calendar and list the events.
Edit: This is what I'm getting now:
The object looks like this
GET http://localhost/admin/calendar/gcal...?start=2016-09-25&end=2016-11-06&_=1476324367596
200 OK 2.68s
[{"title":"lobna elatreby @nrc","type":"gcal","calendar_id":356,"notes":"notes","start":"2010-03-23T14 :30:00-04:00","end":"2010-03-23T15:30:00-04:00"},{"title":"Biology Test 1","type":"gcal","calendar_id" :356,"notes":"notes","start":"2013-02-08T18:30:00-05:00","end":"2013-02-08T19:30:00-05:00"}]
I used json_encode(['events'=>$eventsArr]) and I got the same error
Deprecation warning: moment().zone is deprecated, use moment().utcOffset instead. Arguments: 2010-03-23T14:30:00-04:00
TypeError: t.start is undefined
function C(t){null==t.allDay&&(t.allDay=!(t.start.hasTime()||t.end&&t.end.hasTime...
I tried download & updated Moment.js, I tried changing the date format ... Google Calender API "The time, as a combined date-time value (formatted according to RFC3339). A time zone offset is required unless a time zone is explicitly specified in timeZone."