First, I have checked these answers that do not help me : Swift JSON error, Could not cast value of type '__NSArrayM' (0x507b58) to 'NSDictionary' (0x507d74)
When retrieving data from Firebase (3.x), I have an error that occurs which is :
Could not cast value of type '__NSArrayM' (0x10ca9fc30) to 'NSDictionary' (0x10caa0108).
with this code and tree :
Tree :
Retrieving function :
func retrievePlanes() {
print("Retrieve Planes")
ref = FIRDatabase.database().reference(withPath: "results")
ref.observe(.value, with: { snapshot in
var newItems: [Planes] = []
for item in snapshot.children {
let planesItem = Planes(snapshot: item as! FIRDataSnapshot)
self.planes = newItems
Planes.swift - To manage the data
import Foundation
import Firebase
import FirebaseDatabase
struct Planes {
let key: String!
let name: String!
let code:String!
let flightRange: Int?
let typicalSeats: Int?
let maxSeats: Int?
let wingSpan: String!
let takeoffLength: Int?
let rateClimb: Int?
let maxCruiseAltitude: Int?
let cruiseSpeed: String!
let landingLength: Int?
let engines: String!
let votes: Int?
let data: String!
let imagePlane:String!
let imageTakenFrom: String!
let ref: FIRDatabaseReference?
init(name: String, code: String, flightRange: Int, typicalSeats: Int, maxSeats: Int, wingSpan: String, takeoffLength: Int, rateClimb: Int, maxCruiseAltitude: Int, cruiseSpeed: String, landingLength: Int, engines: String, votes: Int, data: String, imagePlane: String, imageTakenFrom: String, key: String = "") {
self.key = key = name
self.code = code
self.flightRange = flightRange
self.typicalSeats = typicalSeats
self.maxSeats = maxSeats
self.wingSpan = wingSpan
self.takeoffLength = takeoffLength
self.rateClimb = rateClimb
self.maxCruiseAltitude = maxCruiseAltitude
self.cruiseSpeed = cruiseSpeed
self.landingLength = landingLength
self.engines = engines
self.votes = votes = data
self.imagePlane = imagePlane
self.imageTakenFrom = imageTakenFrom
self.ref = nil
init(snapshot: FIRDataSnapshot) {
ref = snapshot.ref
key = snapshot.key
let snapshotValue = snapshot.value as! [String:AnyObject]
name = snapshotValue["name"] as! String
code = snapshotValue["code"] as! String
flightRange = snapshotValue["intFlightRange"] as? Int
typicalSeats = snapshotValue["intTypicalSeats"] as? Int
maxSeats = snapshotValue["intMaxSeats"] as? Int
wingSpan = snapshotValue["wingSpan"] as! String
takeoffLength = snapshotValue["intTakeoffLength"] as? Int
rateClimb = snapshotValue["intRateClimb"] as? Int
maxCruiseAltitude = snapshotValue["intMaxCruiseAltitude"] as? Int
cruiseSpeed = snapshotValue["cruiseSpeed"] as! String
landingLength = snapshotValue["intLandingLength"] as? Int
engines = snapshotValue["engines"] as! String
votes = snapshotValue["votes"] as? Int
data = snapshotValue["data"] as! String
imagePlane = snapshotValue["planeImage"] as! String
imageTakenFrom = snapshotValue["imageTakenFrom"] as! String
on the line : let snapshotValue = snapshot.value as! [String:AnyObject]
I suppose that is due to the snapshot value that can't be retrieved under [String:AnyObject]
because of the Int
(It is working when I only have String
in another case).
I also know that Firebase "converts" the JSON tree to these objects [link]:
but I can't figure out what has to be changed in the snapshot.value line to make it work.
Thanks for your help.
EDIT : I just sent a troubleshooting request. Will post updates. EDIT 2: See Jay's answer. In my case the tree was wrong.
init(snapshot: FIRDataSnapshot)
constructor worked before? – eshirima