
I am trying to load .nii.gz files using SimpleITK in python using PyCharm. Ideally, ITK has a NIFTI class and I followed these tutorials, so I presume SimpleITK has a wrapper for NIFTI class in ITK. The issue is I get a weird exit code which has no documentation (as per google) like this

Process finished with exit code -1073741819 (0xC0000005)

The code is as simple as it gets :

import numpy as np
import SimpleITK as sitk

image = sitk.ReadImage(filename)
imageSize = image.GetSize()

I also tried using nibabel library to load the same image format but I always get a MemoryError, even though, TaskManager (not the best approach) says I have sufficient memory.

The file is ~123 Mb. Any help would be appreciated!

Can you share your file? What other applications are you able to open your file with? Please try slicer3D or ITKsnap.blowekamp
Unfortunately, due to research purposes I can't share the file. I can open it with slicer3D and ITKsnap but I want to load it with python for automatic segmentation. It is around ~123 Mb as I said. I also want to point out that I am using python 32 bit on a 64 bit machine. This is because I couldn't load sitk in 64.Rick M.

1 Answers


So to anyone who might land onto this problem, it was an issue with the version of python. I was using 32 bit Python on a 64 bit Windows PC, when I changed it to 64 bit Python and installed the wheels files here, the strange exit code was gone. I would also recommend following this.