
I am developing a project that uses TFS to build solutions. But I found an error that I do not know how to solve it. When we compile a solution, we can specify a changeset to compile, right? Imagine the following scenario:

  1. At this moment the last changeset is number C100
  2. We created the proj file in TFS. After creating the file, the C101 is the last changeset.
  3. I try to compile using the changeset number C99.
  4. An error occurs: TF224003: An exception occurred on the build computer xxxxxxx: TF42006: The build service not could get the project build definition file is xxxxx. Ensure, the project file exists and the build service account domain \ xxxxx is a member of the Build ...

In this scenario, is there any solution?


1 Answers


Have you tried these suggestions? Examine this scenario and see if any of it matches your case. possible solutions