
I have this Java test with Mockito:

public class PersistentNodeDeserializerTests {

    public void userInfoPersistentNodeDeserializer() {
        PersistentNode node = mock(PersistentNode.class);
        //more stuff


PersistentNode is a Kotlin class:

open class PersistentNode(private val path: PersistentNodePath, val content: Any) {

    val stringPath: String
        get() = path.get()

    val key: String
        get() {
            val parts = stringPath.split("/");
            return parts[parts.size - 1];

    val mapContent: Map<String, Any>
        get() {
            return content as HashMap<String, Any>

    fun stringChild(child: String): String {
        return mapContent.get(child) as String


I get this error:

kotlin.TypeCastException: null cannot be cast to non-null type java.util.HashMap

How can I mock the property stringChild properly?


1 Answers


this library may solve your issue https://github.com/nhaarman/mockito-kotlin

EDIT: sorry, didn't realize you were using a Java test. If it's an option, try writing your test in kotlin too