
MY project having custom services body binded to click event, when clicked on body in service need to call resetDropdown() function in custom directive. how can i do please help me bro?

I tried code bellow that is first one is custom directive contain method.

.directive('dropdownMenu', ['$parse', '$compile', 'DropdownService', '$templateCache', function ($parse, $compile, DropdownService, $templateCache) { return { restrict: 'A', replace: false, ngTransclude:true, scope: { dropdownMenu: '=', dropdownModel: '=', dropdownItemLabel: '@', dropdownOnchange: '&', dropdownDisabled: '=', dropdownSubmit: '&' },

  $scope.resetDropdown = function(){
              alert("calling reset Dropdown by me");

}); next custom service having code .factory('DropdownService', ['$document', function ($document, $rootScope, $scope) { var body = $document.find('body'),

      body.bind('click', function (event, $scope, $rootScope) {
    when body clicked resetDropdown method need to call how can i do please help me. 
how to call method in directive from service when clicked samthing?mail ramesh

1 Answers


I don't know exactly what is required. But your directive method is in $scope and you are trying to call method in $rootScope.