I did some changes in product.template and override the field like this
list_price = fields.Float(copy=False, string='Sale Price', store=True,compute='_calculate_sale_price',
help='compute cost as per gun_dealer', default=0.00)
and the compute methods is like
@api.depends('profit_per_unit', 'estimated_shipping_charges'
, 'flat_rate_charges', 'list_price')
def _calculate_sale_price(self):
if self.category_parent_id == 33:
self.list_price = self.standard_price+self.profit_per_unit+ \
self.list_price = self.standard_price+self.profit_per_unit-self.collected_shipping_charges + \
But after doing this the Unit Price from sale order's order line is not grabbing value of Sales Price from product.template