I'm working on iOS App which loads data using SOAP Requests. All things are working properly in iOS 9 or earlier. I have updated xcode and running app and getting below error while fetching data using simple "GET" method.
ERROR: The ERROR : Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1005 "The network connection was lost." UserInfo={NSErrorFailingURLStringKey=http://xyz.com.au/webservice/xyz.php, _kCFStreamErrorCodeKey=57, NSErrorFailingURLKey=http://xyz.com.au/webservice/xyz.php, NSLocalizedDescription=The network connection was lost., _kCFStreamErrorDomainKey=1, NSUnderlyingError=0x14d7dff0 {Error Domain=kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork Code=-1005 "The network connection was lost." UserInfo={_kCFStreamErrorCodeKey=57, NSErrorPeerAddressKey={length = 16, capacity = 16, bytes = 0x10020050325790c40000000000000000}, NSErrorFailingURLKey=http://xyz.com.au/webservice/xyz.php, NSErrorFailingURLStringKey=http://xyz.com.au/webservice/xyz.php, _kCFStreamErrorDomainKey=1, NSLocalizedDescription=The network connection was lost.}}}
I'm using NSURLConnection standard code for calling WS.
Please help in critical issue.
Thanks in advance.