On the azure portal, you can now create a resource called 'Service Fabric Analytics' to create a nice dashboard for your cluster. Configure as cluster like described here. It's OMS based, not Appinsights though.
The Service Fabric Solution helps identify and troubleshoot issues
across your Service Fabric cluster, by providing visibility into how
your Service Fabric virtual machines are performing and how your
applications and micro-services are running. Available features
include: • Get insight into your Service Fabric framework • Get
insight into the performance of your Service Fabric applications and
micro-services • View events from your applications and micro-services
Data collected: Service Fabric Reliable Service Events, Service Fabric
Actor Events, Service Fabric Operational Events, Event tracing for
Windows events and Windows event logs. Requirements: This solution
will only work if you have set up Azure Diagnostics on your Service
Fabric VMs, and have configured OMS to collect data for your WAD