
We'd like to create a custom APIM profile that only install/enables the Publisher, Key Manager and Traffic Manager on a single jvm. The gateway (manager and worker nodes) and Store will be running on separate JVMs. How can I create a new profile?

And also, the docs state that the profiles only enable/disable the osgi bundles belonging to a profile, but that the web applications are still available (and I quess the web services too, since they are packages as .war archives). Can I remove the unused web apps on the different profiles? E.g. remove the gateway and publisher web apps on the store instance. Is this documented somewhere?




1 Answers


We'd like to create a custom APIM profile that only install/enables the Publisher, Key Manager and Traffic Manager on a single jvm. The gateway (manager and worker nodes) and Store will be running on separate JVMs. How can I create a new profile?

Running multiple profiles in one server hasn't supported.

Can I remove the unused web apps on the different profiles?

Yes, you can remove the WARs specific to other profiles.