
What is the best open source or paid library to make ASP .net web forms application as relying party, sign in a user, when Ping Federate as Idp.

PingFederate Integration Kit https://documentation.pingidentity.com/display/NETIK/.NET+Integration+Kit

One Login https://developers.onelogin.com/saml/c-and-aspnet

Kentor.AuthServices https://github.com/KentorIT/authservices

Do all these solutions use open token protocol ?

Thanks ameet

Are you the SP? Do you have a spec-compliant SP implementation? Will the application you speak of be running on the IdP's site and entirely under their control, or no? The .net integration kit uses OpenToken, OneLogin and Kentor use SAML.Andrew K.
Since I asked this question, I have implemented, the SP part in ASP .Net Using ComponentSpace, which is third party paid library. Works pretty well and has test Idp settings also to test your SP implementation.Shameet

1 Answers


Calling one library the best is not that straightforward as it's highly circumstantial.

If you're the Ping Identity customer yourself, the Integration Kit would make sense, as it's supported by Ping, making life easier if something goes wrong. This limits you to an integration with PingFederate, but doesn't mean a SAML 2.0 connection couldn't be set up via PingFederate.

If the application might be offered to other customers who don't run PingFederate, using one of the SAML 2.0 libraries might make more sense, as it would be possible to connect anyone who has a SAML 2.0-supporting solution in place.

I don't know how support with the OneLogin Toolkit works, but Kentor is Open-Source, which needs to be considered prior making the choice.

OpenToken is not a standard, and the PingFederate implementation might not work with 3rd-party or Open-Source libraries.