I'm proving some theorems in Propositional Logic.
Says, Modus Ponens, which states that if P implies Q and P is true, then Q is true
P → Q
would be interpreted in Haskell as
modus_ponens :: (p -> q) -> p -> q
modus_ponens pq p = pq p
You might find it types are equivalent to theorems and programs are equivalent to proofs.
Logical Disjunction
data p \/ q = Left p
| Right q
Logical Conjunction
data p /\ q = Conj p q
If and only if
type p <-> q = (p -> q) /\ (q -> p)
Admit is used to assume an axiom without proof
admit :: p
admit = admit
Now I am having trouble proving the Transposition Theorem:
(P → Q) ↔ (¬Q → ¬P)
which consists of 2 parts:
left to right:
P → Q
right to left:
¬Q → ¬P
I already proved the 1st part with Modus tollens
but couldn't figure out a way for 2nd part:
transposition :: (p -> q) <-> (Not q -> Not p)
transposition = Conj left_right right_left
where left_right p_q not_q = modus_tollens p_q not_q
right_left = admit
modus_tollens :: (p -> q) -> Not q -> Not p
modus_tollens pq not_q = \p -> not_q $ pq p
double_negation :: p <-> Not (Not p)
double_negation = Conj (\p not_p -> not_p p) admit
It seems that it could write as:
(¬Q) → (¬P)
But I have no idea how to do the negation (and maybe double negation) in this system.
Could someone help me with that?
Total program:
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fwarn-incomplete-patterns #-}
import Prelude (Show(..), Eq(..), ($), (.), flip)
-- Propositional Logic --------------------------------
-- False, the uninhabited type
data False
-- Logical Not
type Not p = p -> False
-- Logical Disjunction
data p \/ q = Left p
| Right q
-- Logical Conjunction
data p /\ q = Conj p q
-- If and only if
type p <-> q = (p -> q) /\ (q -> p)
-- Admit is used to assume an axiom without proof
admit :: p
admit = admit
-- There is no way to prove this axiom in constructive logic, therefore we
-- leave it admitted
excluded_middle :: p \/ Not p
excluded_middle = admit
absurd :: False -> p
absurd false = admit
double_negation :: p <-> Not (Not p)
double_negation = Conj (\p not_p -> not_p p) admit
modus_ponens :: (p -> q) -> p -> q
modus_ponens = ($)
modus_tollens :: (p -> q) -> Not q -> Not p
modus_tollens pq not_q = \p -> not_q $ pq p
transposition :: (p -> q) <-> (Not q -> Not p)
transposition = Conj left_right right_left
where left_right = modus_tollens
right_left = admit
would have the type(p -> q, p) -> q
(or your(p -> q) /\ p -> q
), but obviously your definition is equivalent by currying. – Jon Purdyexcluded_middle
on some (possibly all) propositional variables. If done on all, this essentially amounts to building the full truth table -- inefficient and boring, but effective. – chi